Tupac Amaru II - Condorcanqui

Tupac Amaru II - Condorcanqui by Mamani Mamani.

    José Gabriel Condorcanqui, alias Tupac Amaru II, was born as a descendant of the incas in Tinta and led the rebellion in 1780 against the colonial supressors together with his wife Senora Micaela Bastides. This rebellion was the the bloodiest chapter in the history of the indigenas actions against the conquistadores. 1781, after the rebellion was a desaster, Tupac Amaru II and his followers were arrested and brought to Cuzco, where they were being bestially executed at the Hawkaypata. Tupac Amaru II was forced to watch the execution of his family, before it was tried to quarter him. That did not work, as eyewitnesses stated, and his body was dismembered manually after that.