Sofron Sateejev. Isle of Tojon-Aryy. January, 17th. 1925
If someone has to become a shaman he must endure a special ceremony: the dissection of his body. Spirits of dead shamans, usually the ancestors of the shamanic candidate, are conducting this rite. During the execution of this ceremony the candidat is dying. Three to four days he is laying on the right plank-bed of his tent. He does not drink nor eat anything. A boy which does not know neither sin nor filthy things has to look after him and offer him food. Usually the shaman only gets "black water" for drinking. From the window at which the candidat lays to the pen of the cattle a fence is errected. No one walking on feet shall pass the place of the shamans bank from outside. Inside the tent the people are not allowed to pass between the bank and the herd.
His head is entwined with a rope made of white hair decorated with peaces of cloth. Every day this rope is being renewed.