
Thank You!

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On Simurgh's Wings

I Myself


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Andean Condor

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Runic Wisdom

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I heartfully have to say "Thank You"!

    Without the help of many people, friends, spirits and angels I would not have been able to create this Website or walking the path of my life. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to them here.

    So I have to say "Thank You!" to my parents and ancestors in the first place. They made it possible for me to incarnate as a human being, so that I can make my own way of learning within the Human Time Space Illusion. To angel condor, because of her existence and sharing our destinies. The two andean condors Simon and Bolivare and my falcon-master Herbert Schmidt, who gifted me with enough feathers that I could create my dancing costume. Of course they have to be mentioned here.

    For their patience and teachings I thank my material teachers Paul Uccusic, Ailo Gaup and the tuvinean shamans. My father has earned his share, because he introduced me into the ancient angelic magic. There are many more teachers who I do not enlist by name, simply because I do not remember them and to prevent the impression of exagerating. Of course I have to be thankfull to them, too.

    The english translation would have taken much more time without the help of some friends. For their help in translating the sometimes complex german texts I owe gratitude to: "Road Man", "Araalia", "Azora", "Fourier", "Antares", "Wolfsblumen" and her friend,

    Especially I am mentioning Dipl.-Ing. Rolf-Dieter Klein for his technical support in all the years. Further human friends I want to mention here individually: Silvia Hammerschmidt, Radulf Pöltl, Bernhard Lauer, Christian Rätsch, Amelie Schenk, Gudrun and Andreas Kaiserswerth, Adrian Oswald, Sarangarel Udigan, Burkhard Heim, Illobrand v. Ludwiger, Georg Dvorak, Manfred Jelinski, Gunther Rattay as well as the members of my bulletin-board, whose activities and feedback are very much appreciated.

Stefan Neil Klemenc - Apu Kuntur, 31.12.2009.

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