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"Janua Magica Reserata" and Huna

    As far as I know it was not possible to find traces of huna in european traditions. The analyzes of Max Long were limited to the bible itself, thus focussing on times long ago. Long did not have the resources of more recent developments. The two authors Skinner and Rankine made it possible that I could detect such a more tangible trace of huna in the tradition of ceremonial angel-magic. I found it in their edition of "The Keys to the Gateways of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes" - a critical edition of the "Janua Magica Reserata" of Dr. Rudd. In this book that is written in complicated victorian english I found something interesting on how the angel-magicians defined the three selves as an important part of the practice of angel-magic. Because this is an unique text I am quoting it in its full length, in german and english language.

    The practical manuals on angel-magic of those times had long introductions and justifications, embedding the practice in the dogma of christianity. These introductions had the intention to describe angel-magic as a pious work. You have to know that the practice of angel-magic was life-threatening back then, because of the inquisition. A life could quickly end burning at a stake. The angel-magicians were indeed very pious people - only their believes were contradicting the dogma of the church itself. Thus their embedding and justifications were not only tactical manoevers but also an expression of their deep religiosity.

There are three things placed in man, thus distinguished according to their respective division, parts & qualities.

The Supreme, The Lowest (and) The Middle.

The Supreme, is that Divine thing which is Called the mind, or the superior portion or Illuminated Intellect, also calleth it the breath of Life (that is) Breath from God, or his spirit inspired into us.

The Lowest, is the sensitive soul, which is also called an Image, Saint Paul nameth it the Animal Man.

The Middle is the rational spirit, knitting & tying together, both extremes, (that is) the Animal Soul with the mind, savouring of the nature of both extremes, yet it differeth from the Illuminated Intellect, the mind light & supreme portion, it differeth also from the Animal Soul, from the which the apostle teacheth us, that we ought to separate it by the power of the word of God, saying the word of God is Lively & powerful, more penetrating than a two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of the soul & spirit

Der menschliche Geist ist in drei voneinander verschiedene Teile unterteilt.

Das Höchste, das Niederste und das Mittlere.

Das Höchste ist jener göttliche Teil, der Geist, höchster Anteil oder erleuchteter Verstand genannt wird. Er wird auch der Atem des Lebens genannt, welches der Atem Gottes ist, oder sein Geist, der in uns gepflanzt wurde.

Das Niederste ist die empfindende Seele, die auch Abbild genannt wird. Der heilige Paulus nannte es den "Tiermenschen".

Das Mittlere ist der rationale Geist, der beide Extreme - also die Tierseele und den höchsten Geist - miteinander verbinden kann. Der rationale Geist hat Anklänge an beide Extreme und doch unterscheidet er sich vom erleuchteten Verstand, dem Geist und dem göttlichen Anteil und der Tierseele. Der Apostel lehrt uns, daß wir es durch die Macht von Gottes Wort unterscheiden sollen, indem er sagt, das Wort Gottes ist lebendig und mächtig. Durchdringender als ein zweischneidiges Schwert trennt es zwischen der Seele und dem Geist.

"The Keys to the Gateways of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes", London, 2005 - Pg. 44f. The german translation I did myself.

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