This rune is a binding and a separating rune. The knot leads to the web of fate, the three norns are knoting. The firedrill is another interpretation of this rune. It showes the necessity of this tool for survival in former times.
Turned 90° the rune shows the sunset.
Magic Powers
Fertility, Creativity, Peace, Harmony, Enlightement.
Realizing the cyclic nature of the multiverse
Realizing the secrets of the omnipresent cycles
Manifestation of alternative concepts in the physical universe
Furtherance of projection and ensuring the harvest and fertility
Overcoming of stagnative states
Amulets against damage through others
Talisman for overcoming of stagnation, problems with time and furtherance of success in long-term planings.
Healing Powers
Sphere of influence: Intestines and indigestion
Restores the natural cycle, corrective at rhythmic problems.
Meaning in Divination (according to B. King)
Expecting and hoping for peace and wealthiness. The prophecy of success. Realization of results, achieved by former activities.
Numerical Meaning
Twelve months, harvest