This rune is a binding and a separating rune. The knot leads to the web of fate, the three norns are knoting. The firedrill is another interpretation of this rune. It showes the necessity of this tool for survival in former times.
Turned 90° the rune shows the sunset.
Magic Powers
Overcoming of pain or negative fate
Development of magical willpower and spiritual powers
Conscious use of the forces of resistance to achieve magical goals.
Sudden inspiration, elimination of hate and quarrels
Desire and wishings for order
Recognition of individual necessities
Protection- and Love-magick
Counterattacks to weaken and consumption of the enemy
Amulets against emergencies and physical attacks
Talismans for strengthening the power
of resistance and increasing the fantasy as well as for mastering material problems
Healing Power
Sphere of influence: the arms
Resistance and avoidance of many diseases.
Helps at depressive sydroms, dullness and lack of vital forces.
Meaning in Divination (according to B. King)
Reduction through necessity, hard
works leads to lessening of the pain through financial help.
Numerical Meaning
Potential Force